Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joe the Plumber has shown his "color"

Joe turns out to be a Zionist Republican: "'Joe the Plumber' Backs Claim That Obama Would Bring 'Death to Israel'". So what is so exciting about that? I don't really know except that it shows how engrained and prolifirated this political, economic, and identity attachment between the Us and Israel (Zionism) in the American society especially middle class. I think this attachement has been forged since 1948 and not about to dissalude any time soon or just because Obama has gotten this far or even gotten elected! it's naive to doom this relationship just because Obama won or even be shocked at Joe's stance since it's representative of most Americans' opinion about Israel as well. the US has been authoritarian for so long now that, even though it might be salvageable, Americans' sense of responsibility towards and solidarity with the Israeli and Zionist, against the Arab or the Muslim, has been soldified for so long and normalized.

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