Thursday, October 16, 2008

experience: indeed the US needs an experienced president, at war. while obama seems short on such an invaluable expertise, mccain has plenty of it. his side-kick however, palin, seems short too, but not for a beauty queen of course. i say she would have made so much more money and earned the republicans so much more votes having stayed a beaty padgeant contestant and became an entertainment celebirety instead. she does seem to entertain the whole world these days. at least that way she would have had enough time to work on her "grace" and acting talent. certainly as a vp her acting is so obvious and conspicious. the question is, when she is soon president, considering the advanced age and precarious health of mccain, whether her Alaskan beauty would make up for her lack of experience? i mean she might have a face to stop traffic (according to some out of this world standards) but stop wars and economic depression? i think not.

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