Thursday, October 16, 2008

jackson the optimist: baba (my dad) just told me about Jesse Jackson's last controversial comment concerning obama.
"Jackson: “Zionists” will lose influence under Obama"the ironic reaction of both the commentators on this story as reported by Fox News and obama's campaign spokeswoman is puzzling, funny, and disappointing. so jackson says believes that obama's victory would put an end to "decades of putting Israel’s interests first.” obama's spokesperson rejects the statement and asserts obama's "commitment to a strong U.S.-Israel relationship" as if the two notions are mutually exclusive. the funny part is that Fox commentators, both good intentionally and naivly, attack jackson for being so "bitter and jealous of Obama." i think these people are the same ones tha got those "obsession" films with their Sunday papers last week. i told you not to watch those! it's like The Ring!
i (apparently just like jackson) thought that obama wanted strong ties with the middle east too. i don't either see or envision him putting the palestinian or middle eastern interests first! it indeed would be foolish of him anyways! just like it would be foolish to go after iran to ensure israeli security without considering US security. maybe, just maybe, the two are liable to diverge at some point.

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