Thursday, November 13, 2008

Perfecting idiocy, yet again!

Today Bush, finally and after 5 years, apologizes for the "Mission Accomplished" banner dislayed on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln carrier on which he arrived to Iraq Mrch, 2003 upon the invasion. He declares, and by "declare" I mean opens his mouth only to utter and emmit more of the nonesense he has developed an addiction for, that the banner and the speech that revolved around the message of the banner in 2003 was a mistake. A mistake. A simple *toot mistake! "I regret saying some things I shouldn't have said,'' Bush blabs. Well, I regret he saying things at all! There is nothing this sad excuse for a Yale graduate and US President should have said in the first place. It's interesting hearing him admitting to a numorous ammount of mistakes in the war on Iraq and not actually the war itself. What he is actually saying is that I am sorry for the way that we invaded Iraq and destroyed and looted the country but the concept still stands as sound and humane. He is sorry that the world CAUGHT him stealing rather than for committing robbery (so to speak of course).

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